Monday, May 11, 2015

Week of May 11th


Health-  finish lessons


Bell work

do u know how maney days of scool are left

andrew shane jayson and matt are the best boies in the class

-----Introduce unit 16 words on the board


Bad Breath-----

English- Bell work

my favorit word from this weeks list is marsh what is yours

tbh means to be honest at leaste thats what i think but idk


After returning from breakfast----

Begin -Hygiene unit

Look over articles and prepare your own lesson. 

2nd block English- 

  • Bell Work

plese dont lisen to the kids they dont know what there talkin about

the next time u here that wil be the last time mrs. ellison said

  • Work on vocabulary Unit #15 for about 15 minutes.  Jayson can get on spelling

  • Watch CNN student news and discuss afterwards

  • Listen to Lord of the Flies on page 27.  



Presentations-  Stitches-  Matt Collins

Review:  __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Poison Ivy-  Evan

Review:  __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Why do we Hiccup?-  Jayson
Review:  ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


their is much worke to do before the end of scool

that is jaysons coat on the floor over their



A Tick Bite-  Matt Collins
Review:  __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Eating as an Athlete-  Jayson youtube video

Review:  __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Sleepwalking-  Evan

Review:  __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The Bee Sting-  Matt Collins
Review:  __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Caffeine-  Jayson
Review:  __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

How do allergies work? Evan
Review:  __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


i have nevr ben so ready for the scool to be over

i put the firewood on the herth to start the fire

Monday, May 4, 2015

Week of May 4th


Health-  Continue on binder- Drugs/Alcohol p. 119-125 +test


Bell work

what time is the news gonna be on tonite michaela asked

that is shanes new shirt on the floore over their

-----Introduce unit 15 words on the board


hygiene unit

English- Bell work

have u ben paying atiention to what is going on in the

world around u matt said

forty one peple were at the citypark on firday night


After returning from breakfast----

Begin -Hygiene unit

Look over articles and prepare your own lesson. 

2nd block English- 

  • Bell Work

plese dont lisen to the kids they dont know what there talkin about

the next time u here that wil be the last time mrs. ellison said

  • Work on vocabulary Unit #15 for about 15 minutes.  Jayson can get on spelling

  • Watch CNN student news and discuss afterwards

  • Listen to Lord of the Flies on page 27.  



Presentations-  Stitches-  Matt Collins

Review:  __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Poison Ivy-  Evan

Review:  __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Why do we Hiccup?-  Jayson
Review:  ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


their is much worke to do before the end of scool

that is jaysons coat on the floor over their



A Tick Bite-  Matt Collins
Review:  __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Eating as an Athlete-  Jayson youtube video

Review:  __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Sleepwalking-  Evan

Review:  __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The Bee Sting-  Matt Collins
Review:  __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Caffeine-  Jayson
Review:  __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

How do allergies work? Evan
Review:  __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


the last time thate i gote my haircut was in march 2014

are u plese with the food or are u finickye