Week of October 31st-November 4th
1st Block- Health
CPR training
English- Bell work
that is a awesom costume u are waring where did
u get it
new words agian today i think that i did good on
the test what about u
Bell work
88x52 Fact families for 7x8
If I bought 12 bags of candy for trick or treaters and I only have 6
trick-or-treaters, how many bags could each child get?
About how far is it to Salt Lake City, UT?
Get out wipe off boards for practice!!
What is it? Why do we need to know this?
1st Block- Health
CPR training
- Continue on the nervous system
3rd Block- English
Bell Work
their were 4 trick or treters at my house last nite
but i still dont have any candy for u
how due u spell halloween shelby asked her mom
- work on vocabulary packet #11
- complete the biography packets.
4th Block- Math
If I wanted to buy a phone $349 that was and a case that was $42 , how much money would I need?
About how far is it to Lexington, Nebraska?

1st Block- Health
Ask the kids if they want to go down to breakfast after the announcements. If they do, accompany them to the cafeteria.
- Begin on the Respiratory System
3rd Block- English
Bell Work
what is you're favorite pizza place in olney i like
bobes the best
did dr crawford long know he would be famoues
for using ether
- After they finish click on the link to do spelling city games for unit 11. You can show these on the projector. https://www.spellingcity.com/Marmak/
4th Block- Math
If I leave at 11:00 AM to go to Holiday World, and it takes 2 hours and 15 minutes to get there, what time would I get there?
About how far is it to Laramie, WY?

- Go over the bell work after a few minutes and have the kids give their estimates for distance. Look up the mileage after a the person who is closest gets a piece of candy.
- Show the clocks below and have the kids tell you the time.
- Division worksheets by 5.

3rd Block- English
Bell work- Correct the following sentences
days and there getting tired of them
did u get eveything done yeserday that i asked u
too mrs ellison asked
4th Block- Math
If you bought a soda that costs $1.50 and you gave
the clerk, a $10 bill, how much change would you
get back?
About how far is it to Salt Lake City, UT?

If you bought a soda that costs $1.50 and you gave
the clerk, a $10 bill, how much change would you
get back?
About how far is it to Salt Lake City, UT?
- Go over the bell work after a few minutes and have the kids give their estimates for distance. Look up the mileage after a the person who is closest gets a piece of candy.
If they finish with everything they can work on ipads or chromebooks.
English Bell Work
1. today we is takin a test on the leson 10 words i
hope i get an a
2. read the wole book before u talk aboute it to
youre friends you dont want to ruin it
Vocab test #10
How much is 1 nickles, 4 pennies and a dime?
If I bought 4 boxes of cereal that cost $1.50 each,
how much did it cost total?
1. today we is takin a test on the leson 10 words i
hope i get an a
2. read the wole book before u talk aboute it to
youre friends you dont want to ruin it
Vocab test #10
4th Block- Math
How much is 1 nickles, 4 pennies and a dime?
If I bought 4 boxes of cereal that cost $1.50 each,
how much did it cost total?
About how far do you think it is to Boise, ID?