Week of October 19
- Finish Prezi about yourself and prepare to show your presentation to the classes.
- After finishing presentations we will begin to look at google slides and how to create a slideshow on it.
- 3rd Block Math
Bell Work
1. What is 64/8 2. What is 823x31 3. What is x+10=25
Solve for x
4. About how far is it to Spokane, WA?
- Mad minutes
- Division Day begins
- 4th Block History
CNN student news
- Watch the news and take notes on bell work paper.
- Watch The Amazing Race and take notes on their paper they have from last week.
First Block- Keyboarding/Computer Concepts Rm. 229
Breakfast in cafeteria- Take all students to cafeteria for breakfast after the announcements. Return to class around 8:30
Login to computers
- 3rd Block Math
Bell Work
1. What is 53x10 2. What is 8x8= 3. What is x+16=21 Solve for x
4. About how far is it to Seattle, WA?
- Do Mad Minutes after studying for a couple of minutes.
- Ask students about the time on the following clocks?
- Watch this video on why we divide.
- Math worksheets on division.
4th Block History
CNN student news
New Packet on WWII to distribute.
Begins with Important Role of Women
Begins with Important Role of Women
- 5th Block
- First Block- Keyboarding/Computer Concepts
Breakfast in cafeteria
Login to computers
Show the two tips on Google Drive
Make presentation of where you would like to live someday.
- 3rd Block- Math
Bell Work/
1. What is 335 + 459? 2. What is 27/9
3. If boxes of Macaroni are on sale for 2/$4, how much is one?
4. About how far is it to Santa Claus, IN?

3. If boxes of Macaroni are on sale for 2/$4, how much is one?
4. About how far is it to Santa Claus, IN?
- Finish working on division packet!!!
- Make list of foods from store to look for at IGA.
4th Block History
CNN student news
5th Block
- First Block- Keyboarding/Computer Concepts
Breakfast in cafeteria
Login to computers
go to prezi.com Today we are creating a prezi about how to make a PBJ.
Bring pictures tomorrow to make a prezi about yourself.
- 3rd Block- Math
Bell Work
1. What is 10/2 2. Solve for 62-14= 3. What is 58x20?
4. About how far is it to Rapid City, SD?

- Mad minutes- Record score and take a new mad minute
- Test on 3 digit times 2 digit
- Kahoot for basic knowledge
- 4th Block History
- Label the states on placemats
- http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/web_games.htm
- CNN student news
- http://www.cnn.com/studentnews
- Kahoot for WWII
- Complete Wednesday and Thursday in the packet.
- First Block- Keyboarding/Computer Concepts
Breakfast in cafeteria
Login to computers
Review proper technique
Final Exam
- 3rd Block- Math
Bell Work
1. What is 52x14 2. What is 756+77 3. Solve this equation. 16+x= 25
We will have store today!!!!
- 4th Block History
CNN student news
CNN quiz
The United States Declares War packet- We will work on together.
Last story in Anne Frank packet.
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