Week of January 11th-15th
2nd Block- American History
put states on maps
CNN student news
work on state reports
begin on book
3rd Block- Keyboarding in the T and I lab
Go over rules, proper technique
assign p. 17-18 and typing test.com when finished
4th Block- Math
Fact families for 8+9=17
If you won the powerball lottery of 1.3 billion, what is the first thing you would buy?
About how far is it to Rockford, IL?

Complete 5 pages in your binder and then work on your ipad quietly.
2nd Block- American History
Pre-Test on capitals
CNN student news
Finish Pacific States
3rd Block- Keyboarding
complete page 19-20
4th Block- Math
How much is 3 quarters and 1 nickel?
About how far is it to Minneapolis, MN?
Mad Minute tests- try for the 60 club.
Begin on multiplication unit.
Begin on multiplication unit.
Early Release 2:00
2nd Block- American History
CNN student news
Begin on book chapter 22
Assign first worksheet for chapter 22
Finish state projects for presentation tomorrow
Assign first worksheet for chapter 22
Finish state projects for presentation tomorrow
3rd Block- Keyboarding
P. New keys I and R in book p. 21-22
4th Block- Math
If sodas are on sale for 2/$3, how much is one?
About how far is it to Minneapolis, MN?
Mad Minute tests
begin on multiplication
begin on multiplication
Early Dismissal 11:40
2nd Block- American History
CNN student news
puzzles of the united states
Show presentations
Study cards of capitals
Show presentations
Study cards of capitals
3rd Block- Keyboarding
P. 22-23 in book.
4th Block- Math
If 72 people were going on a trip in 9 vehicles, how many would go in each vehicle?
About how far is it to Fargo, ND?
About how far is it to Fargo, ND?
begin store activity
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