Week of August 22nd
1st Block- Health
Make cucumber/lemon water
Read and complete two sections in binder
Use block to create cells.
Read and complete two sections in binder
Use block to create cells.
Watch video on cells- 5 minutes
3rd Block- English
Bell work
this wekend was so busy i forgetted to call my
Grandma on saturday
when will you be redy to start readin novels in this class
4th Block- Math
Bell work
42x8= 3 nickels and 4 dimes=???? How many ounces are in a pound?
About how far is it to Benton, IL?
Work in groups on rounding to the nearest ten.
2nd Block- American History
Next pages of packet
CNN student news
3rd Block- computer concepts in the T and I lab
4th Block- Math
How much is 2 quarters and 3 dimes?
About how far is it to Sikeston, Missouri?

Work on order of operations!
Kahoot on Basic Knowledge.
2nd Block- American History
Read next story in packet- The Berlin Wall together and assign questions
Watch CNN student news
3rd Block- English
Bell Work
toasters dishes cups and plates are usully in the kitchen
Begin of final exam
4th Block- Math
What is 1/2 of 10 Round 378 to the nearest ten
Fact families for 5x8=
Fact families for 5x8=
About how far is it to Little Rock, AR
Review for final.
3rd Block- English
Bell work- Correct the following sentences
what is your favorit class at richland county high school
andrew dan casey and paige are workin on there papers
- Finish vocabulary packets
- Begin reading The Ransom of Red Chief
4th Block- Math
Round 157 to the nearest 10?
Write this number---one million, three hundred thousand, fifty two
How much is 1 quarter and 2 dimes?
About how far is it to Marshall, Tx?
Write this number---one million, three hundred thousand, fifty two
How much is 1 quarter and 2 dimes?
About how far is it to Marshall, Tx?
English Bell Work
1. my mom keep telling me to get of my phone and go to sleep
2. how do u think u wil do on the vocab test tody
1. my mom keep telling me to get of my phone and go to sleep
2. how do u think u wil do on the vocab test tody
4th Block- Math
17+120= How much is 4 quarters and 2 nickels and a penny? Round 787 to the nearest ten.
17+120= How much is 4 quarters and 2 nickels and a penny? Round 787 to the nearest ten.
About how far do you think it is to Houston, TX

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