Week of February 16-19th
2nd Block- American History
put states on maps- Evan can do this game on capitals- Record scores on sheet.
CNN student news
3rd Block- Keyboarding in the T and I lab
Assign page
and typing test.com or nitrotype.com when finished
4th Block- Math
15x2= 421+576= How many days are in February this year?
About how far is it to St. Louis, MO?
About how far is it to St. Louis, MO?
2nd Block- American History
CNN student news
3rd Block- Keyboarding in the T and I lab
There are pencils and highlighter tape in the blue tub near Alex's seat. Collect the quizzes and then
assign p.
and typing test.com or nitrotype.com when finished
and typing test.com or nitrotype.com when finished
4th Block- Math
55-47 322+643 Fact families for 8x7
Review of multiplication facts using flash cards.
Learn the 9s- fingers, games, etc.
9s packet.
2nd Block- American History
Evan work on capitals on map
Shane and Jax the 50 states on the map
Shane and Jax the 50 states on the map
CNN student news
Read chapter 25 in book, assign activity sheet for chapter 25
Capital cards if time
Capital cards if time
3rd Block- Keyboarding
complete pages listed on calendar
4th Block- Math
5/6-1/6= 333-243 If I bought an item that costs $35 and gave the clerk two $50 bills, how much change would I get back?
About how far is it to Salina, KS

- Mad Minute tests- try for the 60 club.
- 9s test
- Check register packets today!!!!
2nd Block- American History
Put states on maps
CNN student news
Begin on book chapter 23
Assign first worksheet for chapter 23
Assign first worksheet for chapter 23
3rd Block- Keyboarding
P. New keys in book
4th Block- Math
65x5= 14 + x= 24 What does x=? If sodas are on sale for 2/$4, how much is one?
About how far is it to Flagler, CO

2nd Block- American History
CNN student news
puzzles of the united states
Finish chapter 24 in book- review work on states in binder
Work on state projects
Finish chapter 24 in book- review work on states in binder
Work on state projects
3rd Block- Keyboarding
One page 53 in book and then activity.
4th Block- Math
60/10 Fact families for 6x7= If you ate 1/2 of a cake that had eight pieces, how many pieces did you eat?
About how far is it to Colorado Springs, CO?
About how far is it to Colorado Springs, CO?
Finish check register
Store activity
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