Week of February 29- March 4th
2nd Block- American History
Capitals worksheet
CNN student news
3rd Block- Keyboarding in the T and I lab
Assign page
and typing test.com or nitrotype.com when finished
4th Block- Math
33x6= 50/2= How often do we have a leap day?
About how far is it to Louisville, KY?

About how far is it to Louisville, KY?
2nd Block- American History
CNN student news
3rd Block- Keyboarding in the T and I lab
There are pencils and highlighter tape in the blue tub near Alex's seat. Collect the quizzes and then
assign p.
and typing test.com or nitrotype.com when finished
and typing test.com or nitrotype.com when finished
4th Block- Math
84-33 349+641 Fact families for 8x4=
About how far is it to Knoxville, TN?

Begin on division facts 4s and 5s
2nd Block- American History
Begin on abbreviations
CNN student news
Take notes on CNN news. Jax will copy when finished.
Finish Imovies on Ipads about the women in Chapter 29. If they finish with their Imovies they may work on state projects.
3rd Block- Keyboarding
Hand out papers with instructions to complete the two memos on p. 116.
They may leave at 12:12 if they are finished with their work.
They may leave at 12:12 if they are finished with their work.
4th Block- Math
3/4 +1/4 743-476 If I bought an item that costs $12 and gave the clerk two $10 bills, how much change would I get back?
About how far is it to Asheville, NC?

- Mad 3 miutes Minute tests- try for the 60 club. They are on the desk with their names on them.
- Division Packets
- When they finish with division worksheets, they may work on ipads or chromebooks.
2nd Block- American History
Put states on maps
CNN student news
Finish and show projects
3rd Block- Keyboarding
memos from page 117
4th Block- Math
72x9= 10+ x= 42 What does x=? If pizzas are on sale for 2/$7, how much is one?
About how far is it to Columbia, SC?
Division on boards for practice
2 Division worksheets
2nd Block- American History
CNN student news
puzzles of the united states
Finish chapter 24 in book- review work on states in binder
Work on state projects
Finish chapter 24 in book- review work on states in binder
Work on state projects
3rd Block- Keyboarding
One page 53 in book and then activity.
4th Block- Math
100/10 What is the answer to a division problem called?
If you ate 1/2 of a cake that had 8 pieces, how many pieces did you eat?
About how far is it to Myrtle Beach, SC?
If you ate 1/2 of a cake that had 8 pieces, how many pieces did you eat?
About how far is it to Myrtle Beach, SC?
Finish check register
Store activity
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