Week of March 29th-April 1st
2nd Block- American History
CNN student news
3rd Block- Keyboarding in the T and I lab
Computer Concepts- Continue with chapter 2
4th Block- Math
59x7= 8/2= Which is more 1/2 cup or 1/4 of a cup?
About how far is it to Louisville, KY?
About how far is it to Louisville, KY?
Fractions- Begin
2nd Block- American History
CNN student news
3rd Block- Keyboarding in the T and I lab
There are pencils and highlighter tape in the blue tub near Alex's seat.
Begin with page 21-26 today. Editing and Spell Check!
4th Block- Math
79+60 321+754 Fact families for 5x9=
Begin on division facts 6s and 7s
Basic Knowledge quiz
Basic Knowledge quiz
2nd Block- American History
Begin on abbreviations
CNN student news
Questions from chapter 29 review
Make video about reformers.
3rd Block- Keyboarding
Work in book- finish chapter 1 formatting.
4th Block- Math
2/3-1/3 632-457 If my friend and I went out for pizza and the total was $33, how much would each of us pay?
About how far is it to Charlottesville, VA ?

- handwriting
- fraction fun
2nd Block- American History
Put states on maps
CNN student news
Finish and show projects
Begin on the 1930s
3rd Block- Computer Concepts
Internet Safety
4th Block- Math
68x8= 12+ x= 42 What does x=? Which is more 1/3 or 3/4?
About how far is it to Norfolk, VA?
Fraction packet-begin
Ipads or chromebooks when finished.