Week of March 21st-23rd
2nd Block- American History
Capitals worksheet
CNN student news
3rd Block- Computer Concepts in the T and I lab
Continue with Chapter 2
4th Block- Math
59x7= 8/4= What is the perimeter of this box?
About how far is it to ?
2nd Block- American History
Write down 5 presidents 26-30
CNN student news
REad chapter 32 in book together. Assign questions at the end of the chapter.
REad chapter 32 in book together. Assign questions at the end of the chapter.
3rd Block- Keyboarding in the T and I lab
Continue with chapter 2
4th Block- Math
$54.10+ $32.11 6x20
What is the perimeter of this box?

What is the perimeter of this box?
Continue with menu math.
Finish Imovies with prices.
Finish Imovies with prices.
Dismissal at 2:00 P.M.
Dismissal at 2:00 P.M.
2nd Block- American History
Begin on abbreviations
CNN student news
Questions from chapter 29 review
Make video about reformers.
3rd Block- Keyboarding
Stay in room 148 today. Watch movie.
4th Block- Math
3/8 - 1/8 421-211 If my friend and I went out for pizza and the total was $18, how much would each of us pay?
About how far is it to Chicago, IL?

- Walk to IGA to get prices.
- Division worksheet
- When they finish with division worksheets, they may work on ipads or chromebooks.
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