Week of March 14th-18th
2nd Block- American History
Capitals worksheet
CNN student news
3rd Block- Keyboarding in the T and I lab
Begin Computer Concepts
4th Block- Math
59x6= 8/2= If you have 6 cups of milk, how many pints is that?
About how far is it to ?
About how far is it to ?
2nd Block- American History
CNN student news
3rd Block- Keyboarding in the T and I lab
There are pencils and highlighter tape in the blue tub near Alex's seat.
Begin with page 21-26 today. Editing and Spell Check!
4th Block- Math
79+60 321+754 Fact families for 5x9=
Begin on division facts 6s and 7s
Basic Knowledge quiz
Basic Knowledge quiz
2nd Block- American History
Begin on abbreviations
CNN student news
Questions from chapter 29 review
Make video about reformers.
3rd Block- Keyboarding
Work in book- finish chapter 1 formatting.
4th Block- Math
2/3-1/3 632-457 If my friend and I went out for pizza and the total was $22, how much would each of us pay?
About how far is it to Little Rock, Arkansas?

- Mad 3 miutes Minute tests- try for the 60 club. They are on the desk with their names on them.
- Division worksheet
- When they finish with division worksheets, they may work on ipads or chromebooks.
2nd Block- American History
Put states on maps
CNN student news
Finish and show projects
3rd Block- Keyboarding
Internet Safety
4th Block- Math
68x7= 12+ x= 42 What does x=? If pizzas are on sale for 2/$7, how much is one?
About how far is it to Boston, MA?
Complete division packets started yesterday.
Ipads or chromebooks when finished.
2nd Block- American History
Click on the link and complete the quiz with the kids.
CNN student news
Click on the link and complete the quiz with the kids.
https://worldhistoryproject.org/quizzes/us_presidentsMonday we will begin talking about WWI. This is a video about WWI
3rd Block- Keyboarding
Take the worksheet with you to computer class. Hand out and ask them to complete.
Type the worksheet on your own. Make the italics, bold, and font changes. Put your name on it and then print.
When finished they may do something quietly on the computers.
I let them leave at 12:12.
4th Block- Math
35/7 What is 4/5+1/5?
If you ate 1/2 of a pizza that had 10 pieces, how many pieces did you eat?
About how far is it to Dallas, TX?
If you ate 1/2 of a pizza that had 10 pieces, how many pieces did you eat?
About how far is it to Dallas, TX?
- Complete one page of handwriting signature
- Complete last page of division packet can do with partners
- When finished can work on ipads or chromebooks
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