Week of April 25-29th
2nd Block- American History
New story
CNN student news
worksheets in binder 34-35 and p. 112-113
3rd Block- Keyboarding in the T and I lab
Finish Presentations!
Computer Concepts- Show presentations in Room 148.
4th Block- Math
Bell Work
- Find the mean of these numbers= 98, 96, 94, 100
- 5 + x= 20 what does x=?
- What is 34x7=?
Star 360 testing today.
2nd Block- American History
Next pages of packet dated Tuesday
CNN student news
Short story on cold war.
Finish reading chapter on The cold war- Assign worksheets in binder.
3rd Block- computer concepts in the T and I lab
Begin on publisher.
4th Block- Math
34x7= 150/3 How much money is 2 quarters and 3 nickels?
About how far is it to Lexington, KY ?

Finish packet- go over putting fractions in order from least to greatest.
2nd Block- American History
Read next story in packet- The Berlin Wall together and assign questions
Watch CNN student news
3rd Block- Computer Concepts in the T and I lab
PowerPoint projects. Hand them the handout with instructions on what to make.
4th Block- Math
79+102 852-628 Fact families for 6x9=
About how far is it to Charleston, WV?
handwriting page
Write your own survey questions.
Distribute your surveys to students and teacher
Tally the data from your surveys.
When finished they may work quietly on ipads or chromebooks.
Read the story in packets-
Watch Cnn news- the link is below.
3rd Block- Computer Concepts- Rm 139
Continue on Publisher!
4th Block- Math
3/4 +1/4 Find the mode of these numbers 12, 13,15,14,15,14,14 Which is more 2/3 or 5/6?
About how far is it to Frederick, MD ?

- Use Tally Sheets to create charts and graphs!
2nd Block- American History
CNN student news
Read chapter 38 together and discuss
Assign questions in book.
Work on projects.
Assign questions in book.
Work on projects.
3rd Block- Computer Concepts
Publisher- finish up!
4th Block- Math
67x8= 14+ x= 99 What does x=? If you bought a drink that cost $1.25 and you paid with 2 dollar bills, how much change would you get back?
About how far is it to San Diego, CA?

Store Today!!!!
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