Week of May 2nd-May 6th
2nd Block- American History
New story
CNN student news
3rd Block- Keyboarding in the T and I lab
Internet Safety today!!!!
Take this quiz using the chromebooks
Watch this video on posting.
4th Block- Math
Bell Work
- Find the mean of these numbers= 97, 91, 92, 105
- 5 + x= 25 what does x=?
- What is 34x9=?
2nd Block- American History
Next pages of packet
CNN student news
Continue with book- MLK and others from the 60s
Assign questions from the book.
3rd Block- computer concepts in the T and I lab
Work on ipads- taking pictures and putting together movie.
4th Block- Math
34x9= 150/5 How much money is 2 quarters and 1 nickels?
About how much do you think this house costs?

Finish packet- go over putting fractions in order from least to greatest.
2nd Block- American History
Read next story in packet- The Berlin Wall together and assign questions
Watch CNN student news
3rd Block- Computer Concepts in the T and I lab
PowerPoint projects. Hand them the handout with instructions on what to make.
4th Block- Math
80+110 342-143 Fact families for 5x9=
About how far is it to Charleston, WV?
handwriting page
5 pages in packet
Free time!
5 pages in packet
Free time!
Read the story in packets-
Watch Cnn news- the link is below.
3rd Block- Computer Concepts- Rm 139
4th Block- Math
3/4 +1/4 Find the mode of these numbers 12, 13,15,14,15,14,14 Which is more 2/3 or 5/6?
- Use Tally Sheets to create charts and graphs!
Early Dismissal- Seniors gone to senior seminar
2nd Block- American History
CNN student news
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