Week of September 19- Homecoming Week
1st Block- Health
Review unit 2 together, take test!!!
Make posters of systems
English- Bell work
have u sene the moon the last few nites, it is so
where is the sun whin u need it i wish it would
stop raining all the time
1st Block- Health
Review unit 2 together, take test!!!
Make posters of systems
English- Bell work
have u sene the moon the last few nites, it is so
stop raining all the time
4th Block- Math
52x5= 6 nickels and 3 dimes=????
How many days are in September?
About how far is it to St. Louis, MO?
1st Block- Health
Ask the kids if they want to go down to breakfast after the announcements. If they do, accompany them to the cafeteria.
- Continue with the circulatory system in the binder
3rd Block- English
Bell Work
when is the dance im not sure if im going or not
yet but i will think abote it
did u see any one dresst as a super hero today
their were some good ones
Begin reading the next story in the book- O Henry
yet but i will think abote it
did u see any one dresst as a super hero today
their were some good ones
Begin reading the next story in the book- O Henry
- After they finish click on the link to do spelling city games for unit 5. You can show these on the projector. https://www.spellingcity.com/Marmak/
http://www.cnn.com/studentnews at 12:00
3rd Block-
4th Block- Math
- Go over the bell work after a few minutes and have the kids give their estimates for distance. Look up the mileage after a the person who is closest gets a piece of candy.
How much is 5 quarters and 1 dime and a nickel?
About how far is it to Kansas City, KS?

- Go over the bell work after a few minutes and have the kids give their estimates for distance. Look up the mileage after a the person who is closest gets a piece of candy.
- Show the clocks below and have the kids tell you the time.
- Work on measurement packet

1st Block- After breakfast, work on binder. p. 41-43 together in binder. If the other girls want to work on the ipads while waiting, they can. Early Release today!!!!!
3rd Block- English
Bell work- Correct the following sentences
make sure u come into the room quitely and get out you're folders
if u need to no the anser to a questin u can alwasy ask google
- If time- At 12:00 read the lunch menu and then show CNN student news.
4th Block- Math
Round 247 to the nearest 100?
Write this number---four hundred forty thousand four hundred and forty
How much is 2 quarters and 2 nickel?
About how far is it to Denver, CO ?

Write this number---four hundred forty thousand four hundred and forty
How much is 2 quarters and 2 nickel?
About how far is it to Denver, CO ?
- Go over the bell work after a few minutes and have the kids give their estimates for distance. Look up the mileage after a the person who is closest gets a piece of candy.
Go over the temperature packet page 1-2 with the students together and then assign the rest of the packet for them to do on their own. Candace, Brandon, and Jennifer will need to work on the time packet also from yesterday since they were absent.
If they finish with everything they can work on ipads or chromebooks.
English Bell Work
1.can u tell me who sings that song respecte i like
lisening to it
2. whin their is enough money in my account im
going to go to alabama for vacatione
Last page- write your own sentences in vocab #5.
Spelling city when finished.
We will finish reading the third ingredient today and take a quiz!
13x6= If it takes 30 minutes to get to Albion, and I leave at
2:15, what time will I get there?
Round 45,675 to the nearest ten.
1.can u tell me who sings that song respecte i like
lisening to it
2. whin their is enough money in my account im
going to go to alabama for vacatione
Last page- write your own sentences in vocab #5.
Spelling city when finished.
We will finish reading the third ingredient today and take a quiz!
4th Block- Math
13x6= If it takes 30 minutes to get to Albion, and I leave at
2:15, what time will I get there?
Round 45,675 to the nearest ten.
About how far do you think it is to Salina, UT?
English- Bell Work
please corect thesse sentences and make them look correct
when does the parade starte everyone has ben asking me
4th Block- Math
895+356= If it takes 60 minutes to get to Charleston, IL and I leave at 3:15, what time will I get there?
How much is 7 dimes and 3 nickels and a penny?
How much is 7 dimes and 3 nickels and a penny?
About how far do you think it is to Las Vegas, NV?
We will begin store today!!!!
Get your items ready.
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