Week of September 26th-
1st Block- Health
Continue with the digestive system. Worksheets
and word search
English- Bell work
its finaly raining and it has colled off some
this week
4th Block- Math
52x3= 4 nickels and 1 dimes=????
Fact families for 5x8?
About how far is it to Evansville, IN ?
1st Block- Health
Ask the kids if they want to go down to breakfast after the announcements. If they do, accompany them to the cafeteria.
- Continue with the digestive system
- color and read packet on digestion
3rd Block- English
Bell Work
tuesday is the third day of the week it feels likes
the seond day
andrew brandon paige matt sit at the back of the roome
the seond day
andrew brandon paige matt sit at the back of the roome
- After they finish click on the link to do spelling city games for unit 6. You can show these on the projector. https://www.spellingcity.com/Marmak/
http://www.cnn.com/studentnews at 12:00
3rd Block-
4th Block- Math
- Go over the bell work after a few minutes and have the kids give their estimates for distance. Look up the mileage after a the person who is closest gets a piece of candy.
How much is 1 dollar bill, 3 quarters and a penny?
About how far is it to Louisville, KY?

- Go over the bell work after a few minutes and have the kids give their estimates for distance. Look up the mileage after a the person who is closest gets a piece of candy.
- Show the clocks below and have the kids tell you the time.
- Work on multiplication x2 packet after counting by twos several times.

3rd Block- English
Bell work- Correct the following sentences
this is the first full week in a long time with no diferent schedule or earley relsease days
- If time- At 12:00 read the lunch menu and then show CNN student news.
4th Block- Math
Round 352 to the nearest 100?
Write this number---three hundred twenty thousand, four hundred fifty
How much is 3 quarters and 1 nickel?
About how far is it to London, KY ?

Write this number---three hundred twenty thousand, four hundred fifty
How much is 3 quarters and 1 nickel?
About how far is it to London, KY ?
- Go over the bell work after a few minutes and have the kids give their estimates for distance. Look up the mileage after a the person who is closest gets a piece of candy.
If they finish with everything they can work on ipads or chromebooks.
English Bell Work
1.im glad u are hear today because we are doin
more of the book
2. plese come into clas quitely and begin workin
Last page- write your own sentences in vocab #5.
Spelling city when finished.
We will finish reading the third ingredient today and take a quiz!
13x6= If it takes 30 minutes to get to Albion, and I leave at
2:15, what time will I get there?
Round 45,675 to the nearest ten.
1.im glad u are hear today because we are doin
more of the book
2. plese come into clas quitely and begin workin
Last page- write your own sentences in vocab #5.
Spelling city when finished.
We will finish reading the third ingredient today and take a quiz!
4th Block- Math
13x6= If it takes 30 minutes to get to Albion, and I leave at
2:15, what time will I get there?
Round 45,675 to the nearest ten.
About how far do you think it is to Knoxville, TN?
English- Bell Work
i saw my freind this morning and i thought she
looked kind of shaby
looked kind of shaby
i made a skecht of a tree driping sape
4th Block- Math
921+125= If it takes 60 minutes to get to Salem, IL and I leave at 5:30, what time will I get there?
How much is 6 dimes and 2 nickels and 2 pennies?
How much is 6 dimes and 2 nickels and 2 pennies?
About how far do you think it is to Gatlinburg, TN?
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